
Legal Mapping

Gordon White has 25 years experience in the preparation of maps for the registration of properties and has worked in this area with some of the best known legal practices in the country.

Services provided

Our Legal Mapping Services includes some or all of the following:

*Since 2011 it has been compulsory that any property that is transferred that is not registered with the Land Registry be so registered. Maps of a particular quality and format are required for this.

Dublin Bay

First Registration Maps (other than for properties forming part of a multi-storey scheme)

COST: €338.25

Are you selling a property that is not currently registered with the Land Registry? You will need a compliant First Registration Map, which we can provide.

To avail of this service click the Buy Now button above.

In the pop-up form fill in your details along with the Eircode of the property to be registered (or the nearest Eircode of lands for mapping), and add a description (e.g. Lands to South and West of Eircode including 3 fields amounting to c. 7 hectares). Supporting documents may be emailed directly to

We will then confirm that a First Registration Map is indeed required and, presuming that it is, prepare mapping to PRAI in accordance with the PRAI Mapping Practitioners’ Guidelines. We will include a report on any anomalies between the property as described and mapped on the deed and as shown on the OSI mapping, on which the FRM is based, and the relationship between the property in question and any abutting properties that are already registered. Three plots of the map on heavy duty paper will be provided to the client or their solicitor as well as soft (pdf) copies.

The cost of this service is €338.25 inc VAT (€275 + VAT) for properties up to 1 acre in area, payable in advance. This assumes that the map can be prepared on the basis of a desk study only and no site visit is required (which is generally the case). Additional maps (e.g. if two properties are being combined or one property being sub-divided) will be subsequently charged at €61.50 (€50 + VAT) per map.

First Registration Maps (for properties forming part of a multi-storey scheme)

COST: €800

Are you selling an apartment or office that is not currently registered with Land Registry? You will need a compliant First Registration Map, which we can provide.

To avail of this service click the Buy Now button above.

In the pop-up form fill in your details along with the Eircode of the property to be registered, and add a description. Supporting documents may be emailed directly to

We will then confirm that a First Registration Map is indeed required and, presuming that it is, prepare mapping to PRAI in accordance with the PRAI Mapping Practitioners’ Guidelines. We visit the property and carry out a survey to get floor and ceiling levels to OS Datum, and include a report on any anomalies between the property as described and mapped on the deed and as existing on the ground. Three plots of the map on heavy duty paper will be provided to the client or their solicitor as well as soft (pdf) copies.

The cost of this service is €800 inc VAT (€650 + VAT) for properties in the Greater Dublin area, payable in advance. Additional maps (e.g. if property is over more than one floor or if a car-park space or similar is also to be registered) will be subsequently charged at €92.25 (€75 + VAT) per map.

Land Registry Folio and Map

COST: €40

Do you need a Land Registry Folio and Map, but not have Land Registry account? We can provide it for you.

To avail of this service click the Buy Now button above.

In the pop-up form fill in your details along with your postal address, and the Folio Number (if applicable).

The cost of this service is €40, payable in advance.

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