
Sustainable Drainage Systems

Gordon White has over 25 years experience in the design of Sustainable Drainage systems.

About Sustainable Drainage Systems

Sustainable Drainage Systems (or SuDS) are a suite of methodologies that allow for the development of agricultural or similar without increasing it rainwater run-off from those lands into existing watercourses, streams and rivers. This allows lands to be developed without causing flooding downstream. This includes the slowing of water getting into drainage systems (source control), the slowing of water getting out of the development system into public systems (discharge control) and the allowance for rainwater, especially the first fall, to soak directly to the ground. Combinations of these approaches, referred to as a “treatment train” allow the rainwater run-off from a developed site to mirror what would be expected from the land in its pre-development condition in quality and quantity.

What we do

Gordon White has over 25 years experience in the design of Sustainable Drainage systems, having been involved with the design and construction of the surface water attenuation systems at Citywest Campus which were one of the first, if not the first, large scale Sustainable Drainage Systems installed in Ireland. 

These lakes were used as the only Irish case study of sustainable drainage in the first edition of the Greater Dublin Strategic Drainage Study, which is the “Bible” for SuDS in the greater Dublin area. As well as providing SuDS Design for Citywest Campus GWCE are providing the SuDS Design for numerous housing and commercial developments in the greater Dublin area. We have a good relationship with the engineers in the  Greater Dublin Local Authorities that and are familiar with their requirements.


Campus Manager

STEPHEN Campbell

Gordon White has been the lead Civil Engineering Designer for Citywest Business Campus and environs for three decades now and his knowledge of the Campus and its services has been invaluable over this period. Through his company GWCE Ltd., Gordon continues to provide day to day Civil Engineering consultancy as required. Along with Civil Engineering, GWCE are also the main provider of Legal Mapping for the developments in the area and have been since the first site here was registered in 1995.

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